Mushroom Talk

A word or two about our friends fungi

30 Years Dryer

This is (or rather, should be) peak wild mushroom season! The ground should be soaked and cool, rich in organic matter and covered in young weeds. The air should be fresh and fragrant and the sky should be cloudy and frequently menacing with frequent drizzle and occasional heavy rain. I am 42 years old and this is how I know Autumn.

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Fabric raised beds…Why?

To start with, not everyone has a garden or a field…but everyone likes growing their own food and every kid and adult dreams of having his own private field whether living in a farmhouse, in a house or in an apartment.

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Welcome Cool Weather Mushrooms!

Now is the time when MycoMalta is laboring intensely to switch from the warm-weather mushrooms to the cool-weather mushrooms.
“Labouring intensly?” some may ask? “Don’t you just sow them?”
Well, no, it is not that easy…not at all!

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Is-siġar għandhom l-internet taghhom ukoll. It-tieni parti.

Ix-xahar li għadda tkellimna fuq l-internet tal-foresti, firxa ta’ fungi li toħloq konnessjoni wiesgħa ħafna bejn siġra u oħra li tifrex għal ħafna kilometri. Fl-artiklu li għadda għidna wkoll li dan in-netwerk jintuża biex is-siġar jikkomunikaw ma’ xulxin…imma mhux biss!

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Is-siġar għandhom l-internet taghhom ukoll. L-ewwel parti.

Kull min qed jaqra dan l-artiklu, wasal għalieh bl-użu ta’ l-internet.  Huwa fatt ukoll li min għandu ċertu eta’, speċjalment dawk li twieldu fl-era ta’ qabel l-internet, jafu x’bidla ġabet fil-hajja din il-konnessjoni globali li għaqqdet lil kulhadd flimkien u ġabet id-dinja kolla gewwa naqra ta’ smart phone li tista zzomm f’id wahda.


U x’jgħaddilkom minn mohhkom jekk ngħidilkom li s-siġar għandhom l-internet taghhom ukoll?  Iva, specjalment f’pajjiżi fejn l-ambjent naturali jista jsostni ċertu ammont ta’ vegetazzjoni folta bhall foresti u ġungli.

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Liema faqqiegħ jittiekel?

F’diversi snin, bħal per eżempju din li qegħdin fiha, ma tagħmilx xita biżżejjed biex tippermetti li jikber il-faqqiegħ u allura dan sempliċement jaqbeż sena u ma jitfaċċax. Però ejja nirreferu għal sena medja. Kieku bejn Ottubru u Jannar ikun iż-żmien fejn il-faqqiegħ selvaġġ jibda jitfaċċa u min hu bħali dilettant ta’ dawn il-ħlejqiet tant misterjużi, u f’diversi każi tant tajbin, jibda jirċievi ir-ritratti tal-faqqiegħ akkumpanjati mill-mistoqsija tipika, “Dawn jittieklu?”

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Mushroom Identification…not as simple as one might think.

I have prepared this post for two reasons:
1. I love mushrooms so when I see such beauties I get butterflies, and
2. to show how identifying mushrooms can be misleading unless done with caution.
1st picture (featured image) is of some mushrooms, the 1€ coin is for size comparison (I’m not that wealthy!).
2nd picture shows a comparison of the stems of the two big mushrooms.
3rd picture is of one of the mushrooms with DECURRENT gills.
4th picture is of the other mushrooms with ADNATE gills but since the specimen is very mature, they look like decurrent.

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MycoMalta on Vizjoni, TVM

Being in front of the camera is not my piece of cake.  I’d rather be in the basement where no one sees or hears me, doing my things with my fungi.

However, how can we spread the love for fungi from the basement alone?  Every now and then public interaction is important to drive the main points of our activity…fungi…humans…symbiosis!

Vizjoni interview

Plant medicine week in Malta!

It was a fantastic experience to be here.
Listening to how mushrooms can be of help to society and how small countries such as Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are building an industry about medicinal mushrooms.

A Fun Home Experement

As a parent, frequently I struggle to get my kids enticed in matters nature, sustainability and self-sufficiency. Maybe because my kids are still relatively young; but we all know you have to start them young if they are to take a concern really at heart. So how? Read More

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